You’re not given any visual cue about that and that’s not even mentioned in the tutorial. However, the shooting element does throw things for the loop because you are supposed to shoot to the beat of the music … but you don’t have to. In some ways, this game is hard to describe.

John Wick in VR mixed with Beat Saber would be the lazy way to describe this game and not very helpful to anyone trying to make a purchase decision. But unlike traditional music games, Pistol Whip has no line in the sand you have complete freedom to shoot, melee, and dodge targets to the rhythm YOU see fit. Inspired by God-mode action movies like John Wick and Equilibrium, Pistol Whip throws you gun-first into an explosive batch of hand-crafted action scenes each set to their own breakneck soundtrack. This is a rhymic game where you are going to hold up some weapons on your hands and withstand against the enemies.

Pistol Whip is an Action game for PC published by Cloudhead Games ltd.